That recording is coming along nicely. Slowly, but nicely. The wonderful Sabrina Lawrie has been kind enough to allow us use of the Beetle Bar once again on a Sunday and we managed to lay the drums and bass for another 6 songs. I'll be heading back in there soon to finish laying the guitar tracks, then it's back off to the studio to add the vocals and other trimmings before the hard slog of mixing and polishing. We're really happy with the big room sound we've been able to capture in there and can't wait to get mixing and finalising it. If all goes to plan, we should have a full length, 11 track album ready for release in February 2013.
New Years Day sees the Australia's original Hot 100 count down of songs from the previous year, as voted by the public. It's now in it's 37th year, which is a phenomenal effort. Anyway, we have a song in the list and you can vote for it if you go to this link --> They ask you for your email address etc but you won't be getting any spam from them. While you're there, if you could also go to the extra little bit of effort to add our songs Meet Kandy and Whiskey Knight in the additional songs fields at the bottom of the list, we'd be forever indebted to you. All of these songs have been played on 4ZZZ throughout the year and were lifted from our debut EP
Our first show back after our little thought-collecting hiatus is on the 19th of January at The Beetle Bar (love that place!) for the Devil's Kitchen Music Festival. It's going to be a massive day/night with hordes of good bands and we'll be hitting the stage mid afternoon. In preparation for this touring festival, the organisers have put together a digital compilation, upon which we have been lucky enough to get a song. Have a listen to the compilation at and if you like it enough, download it (either for free or you can make a contribution if you deem it worthy of your hard earned money) and listen to it over and over and over. The best thing about this compilation is that you can just download individual songs if you don't like some of them! Our song, L.Y.O.N.S. is lifted from that album we're releasing early next year, so it's a good way to preview what's coming. We highly recommend pre-purchasing tickets for the show here because with this many bands over the course of the day, it's bound to sell out.
Also, if you've got a spare 4 minutes or so and want to hear my acoustic version of an Ironside song, which I recorded under my house as an exercise in learning how to use my new home recording setup, have a listen to Wet Sheets. This bandcamp page will be the home of my solo music, which I plan to get around to recording more of in coming months, so keep an eye on it.
See you at the bar!
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